
klik pada tajuk for grip video

Sebut pasal golf sudah pasti ada isteri2 yg menjeling.Peralatan yang mahal,yuran kelab yg tinggi dan kos masuk padang yg agak mahal jika di bandingkan dengan sukan lain.Tapi aku ni xde la hardcore sangat seminggu sekali pegi range & sebulan sekali masuk padang.saja nak keluarkan peluh..berpeluh ke???? cuba dulu baru tau..sebenarnya xde la mahal sangat skarang ni dah banyak open club(xjd ahli pun bleh main)..peralatan pun boleh beli yg second hand dulu..tgk la penangan golf asal cuba skarang dah jd gila golf..kepada isteri2 tu jgn takut baik suami gosok kayu golf drpd gosok ppuan lain..... for begginer nantikan tips2 yg mungkin berguna untuk u all.tak dapat 100%pun takpe 10% pun jadila aku dapat bantu korang.

1. How the left hand should look on the club. The back of the hand facing left, not up, two knucklers are visible, the thum lies a little to the player's right on the shaft, and the V, between thumb and forefinger, points slightly to the player,s right.

2.Inside the left hand.the important point here is that the club lies diagonally across the palm, from the crook of the index finger, andcomes out halfway between the root of the little finger and the base of the palm.there must always be a fold of flesh between the club and root of the little finger.

3. How the right hand goes on. Here the club lies definitely in the fingers, but at the very roots of the second and third digits, with the forefinger getting ready to hool low around the shaft.

4.The right hand fitting against the left, which the center of the base of the right palm moving on to the big knuckle at the base of the left thumb.

Tu je la antara info2 yang boleh di kongsikan bersama.. nanti kalau ada info2 yg lebih bermunafaat akan aku kongsikan dalam blog ni lg.kata org tua2 belajar ni nak kena ada tok ko org pandai2 la cari pro kat luar sana aku ni setakat teori bleh le...org2 baru yg nak berjinak2 dgn sukan golf ni bleh la contak aku di kalau berminat nak beli set golf secondhand ....buat otai2 yg dah ada sampai 2-3 set kat dalam stor tu boleh la jual kat org2 baru ni...mari lah kita mengimarahkan lagi sukan golf di tanah air... kita..sebarang pertanyaan boleh la hubungi aku di

tengok visual lg senang untuk paham mcm mana a true grip.... klik pada tajuk...

for video swing klik pada tajuk
How do I start my club head away from the ball and what path should it take?

Let's get right to it: The golf swing lasts about 1.5 seconds, so every golfer should have the mindset that there is no time for compensations in either the back swing or the down swing.

The best men and women ball strikers in the world take the club away with precision and purpose. There is no "slop" in their move away from the ball.

Once that heavy club head is in motion, you have essentially determined what path it will follow with your initial takeaway move (the initial 2 feet of club head travel).

I developed a simple image that you can follow either in your mind's eye, or as you'll see, with an actual practice area station.

Before I hit any shot, from a short iron to a driver, I stand behind my ball and imagine a set of railroad tracks running right through my stance area right to the middle of my target.

My ball sits on one rail and I stand on the other. Take a look:

Now with any shot in golf, you address the ball with the club head centered directly behind the ball. And your goal is to return it through that position during impact.

What's more, a closer look at an iron face shows that the "useable" area of the club face is about 2" wide. It is a bit wider for a driver.

That's why when I practice, I imagine that the rail the ball is sitting on is 2" in width.

If I can practice in an area where I can set up my own set of "railroad tracks", I use painter's masking tape. It is cheap, unravels easily with mild tack, and most importantly, it is 2" in width. You may even have some of this stuff lying around in your house!

Here is my rail station set up at my remote practice location. I leave a spot open for the ball and my feet so the tape doesn't get disturbed. It also allows me to take a turf divot with the irons:

Now back to the subject at hand, the golf swing takeaway.

To build a repeating golf swing, you need to engrain a precise path when you move the club head away from the ball at the start of the swing motion.

So look, if the ball is sitting in the middle of the rail or tape, I also know that the very tip of the club shaft is pointing to the inner edge of the rail, right?

Likewise it follows that if I move the club away so that the shaft is always pointing at the inner edge of the tape, then I have prescribed a precise path for the club head to follow every time I take the club away!

This technique also ensures the club head moves back, up and around the correct amount during those critical first 2 feet of the back swing.

The result is that we have started to scribe the perfect swing arc and the club head is tracking beautifully. We also know then that the center of the club face is never far off the centerline of the arc. Brilliant!

Here in action:

apa pun ia bergantung kepada koarang jgk... ikut yg mana lebih selesa...xperlu nak ikut betul2...mana yg rasa betul dan sesuai gunakan je kepada yg rasa main golf macam main hoki tu boleh la ikut sebab ni mcm basic je...kalau yg dah ada style sendiri tu ok la janji hit ball pg cantik jd la...